Universe Building Blocks
We hold the Architectural Blueprint of the Universe,
Sacred Wisdom kept hidden,
For the Obstacles you encounter,
Until the Initiate is ready to receive,
The Gift of Life.
I AM A Wisdom Keeper
There is a delicateness in keeping wisdom,
The truth needs no justification,
What is meant to shed will be shed,
What is meant to be kept will be kept,
And until the right time comes,
For the journey to unfold,
Can the wisdom be shed to light.
The keepers hold the wisdom to heart,
Bound by the invisible laws,
Not to upset the journey one is meant to take,
To not disrupt the flow of the Universe.
We are only meant to be watchers,
And lanterns in the path of light.
We are only meant to guide with delicateness,
Aware not to upset the balance of the universe.
And correct where only necessary.
We are sealed, bound, and blessed.
We are the cosmic treasures.
We are gifts of life.
We are present for you.
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Nimue Sanctuary Pte Ltd All Rights Reserved
Email: nimuesanctuary@gmail.com